Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yumi_nyanderful
Genshin Impact’s play list.
Kon-neko!I’m Yumi-neko.VTuber+illustrator.
🔴生放送:毎週水・土曜 23時~
Live broadcast: Every Wednesday and Saturday from 23:00
*In case of change, I will notify you via X (Twitter).
▼I’ll be happy if you subscribe to this channel.
🐱Request from Yumi-neko🐾
Please use kind words in your comments.
Please go through the offensive comments or block them privately.
Don’t talk about other streamer’s names.
Don’t use my name in other streams.
Don’t talk too much about unrelated topics during the stream.
No spoilers please, but if Yumineko asks for help, I’d be happy to give you a hint.
🎮When I asked for Coop:
・Please tell me in your comments that the Genshin Impact’s player name and you want to Coop.
・Basically on a first-come, first-served basis.
・When I call your name, please enter the game.
・First time visitors are also welcome!
Tweets by YumiNyanderful
💗配信タグ ▶にゃんだるふらいぶ
【Music & Material(敬称略)】
Loki Ch.ロキ https://www.youtube.com/user/hiroeida
しゃろう https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjca6Z_wpyinTqHdIYJ49Q
騒音のない世界 https://noiselessworld.net
PeriTune https://peritune.com/about/
#にゃんだふるらいぶ #原神 #Genshin
#VTuber #新人VTuber #ゲーム配信 #実況
#雑談 #初見歓迎